22 Aug, 2022


Quotes #3:

John F. Kennedy

The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis.'


One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity.

 In a crisis, be aware of the danger--but recognize the opportunity.

— John F. Kennedy

35th President of the United States 1917 – 1963

Forgive your enemies,


but never forget their names.

— John F. Kennedy

35th President of the United States 1917 – 1963

The rights of every man are diminished


when the rights of one man are threatened.

— John F. Kennedy

35th President of the United States 1917 – 1963

Ask not what your country can do for you;


ask what you can do for your country.

— John F. Kennedy

35th President of the United States 1917 – 1963

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible


will make violent revolution inevitable.

— John F. Kennedy

35th President of the United States 1917 – 1963

As we express our gratitude,


we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words,

but to live by them.

— John F. Kennedy

35th President of the United States 1917 – 1963

Victory has a hundred fathers and


defeat is an orphan.

— John F. Kennedy

35th President of the United States 1917 – 1963

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor,


it cannot save the few who are rich.

— John F. Kennedy

35th President of the United States 1917 – 1963

One person can make a difference,


and everyone should try.

Greek philosopher 470 - 399 BC

— John F. Kennedy

35th President of the United States 1917 – 1963

Do not pray for easy lives.


Pray to be stronger men.

— John F. Kennedy

35th President of the United States 1917 – 1963

Liberty without Learning is always in peril &


Learning without Liberty is always in vain.

— John F. Kennedy

35th President of the United States 1917 – 1963

Let us never negotiate out of fear. 


But let us never fear to negotiate.

— John F. Kennedy

35th President of the United States 1917 – 1963

Mankind must put an end to war -


or war will put an end to mankind.

— John F. Kennedy

35th President of the United States 1917 – 1963

The time to repair the roof is


when the sun is shining.

— John F. Kennedy

35th President of the United States 1917 – 1963

If not us, who?


If not now, when?

— John F. Kennedy

35th President of the United States 1917 – 1963